Meet Iveta Pilipaviciute

From Password Resets to Crisis Management

© Open Medical 2024

5 years ago, Iveta joined Open Medical as the Operations Assistant. Today, she is Head of Digital Delivery. Her job is as diverse as it is demanding, encompassing everything from platform implementation and crisis mitigation to bug fixes, updates, and 24/7 client support.

In this interview, Iveta shares the highs and lows of her role, which she passionately embraces.

I can’t really tell you what my ‘day-to-day’ at Open Medical looks like because everyday is different. There’s always a new challenge. There’s always an opportunity to learn something new every single day. I have been with the company for 5 years now, and I can confidently say that I have never been bored.

One aspect of my role that I love the most is the relationship we build with our clients. We’re not just offering a support-line and providing technical assistance; we’re building relationships and offering a level of support that goes beyond what’s expected. It's amazing to see how this personal touch makes a difference in their experience. We see them as friends, we build relationships with them, we know them by name, and sometimes they specifically ask to talk to a certain team member. In an industry where they often have to wait weeks to get the support they need, we’re able to provide them with not only a more immediate solution but also a more personal one. 

It can be challenging at times to provide virtual support. You can’t see their body language. Every user has different characteristics. We can encounter frustrated users. And sometimes you worry that you came off too angry. But you learn to remain patient and kind. If I can't fix the issue immediately, I will take the time to understand the problem. I will take the time to find the right solution for them because it’s about going the extra mile for our clients and making sure they feel heard and supported. 

Another important but also enjoyable part of my position is problem-solving. Our platform, Pathpoint, is different for every client and customised for their specific needs. This means that I am constantly learning and adapting to new configurations and features. But that’s the beauty of Pathpoint—it's not just about the product we provide; it's about how our clients use it. Remembering the workflow, system configuration, and how the client uses the platform brings an entirely new set of challenges, but it's part of the problem-solving process.

It’s not always easy and it can get quite challenging, especially when it comes to prioritising tasks. I have learned to assess the severity of each issue, have everything laid out, look at the bigger picture, and tackle it accordingly. It’s important to note that it’s not always about solving the problem there and then; it's about understanding and tackling all angles of the issues and providing a solution that is safe and appropriate to all users, not just a specific user who requested this. There is a process we must follow so the solution serves all, not one.

Of course, because we provide 24/7 support and have taken calls quite literally everywhere, we’ve had our fair share of funny moments. I remember taking a call in my friend's garden, behind a shed, during a party. Another time, I was at the airport waiting for my luggage in Spain when a client called. It's these unexpected moments that make the job even more interesting and memorable.

Which brings me to the team and watching them grow. I have had the privilege of witnessing their development and seeing how far they have come. It's incredible to see how they have evolved and what they have learned throughout their journey—another great part of my job.

So, I guess the reason I love working at Open Medical and why I have stayed for so long is simple—I'm never bored. Every day has a new challenge, big or small, and I am constantly learning. Not to mention watching the impact we have on our clients and indirectly supporting them to provide better care to patients. It motivates me to continue growing and improving. We have a team of passionate individuals who share the same goals and, together, make a difference. That sense of pride and the desire to continue our journey is what keeps me here, excited for what lies ahead.


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